5C : Task 1, 24 February 2021

  Assalamualaikum everyone!

Please prepare your

- stationery

- Comprehension book (buku nombor 7 / garis satu)

Today's task

1. Write 10 sentences about interests based on the picture
(Tulis 10 ayat tentang minat berdasarkan gambar)


1. Look at the table (Jadual tidak perlu salin dalam buku)

😊 : I'm interested in / I'm into / I like 
☹️ : I'm not interested in / I'm not into / I don't like

2. You will write sentences about the interests, look at the example for number 1 and number 2, copy this in your comprehension book

(Kamu akan tulis ayat mengenai minat, lihat contoh nombor 1 dan nombor 2, salin nota di bawah dalam Comprehension Book)

3. Complete sentences 3 - 12
(Lengkapkan ayat 3 - 12)

4. Once finished, please upload to your class padlet -> 5 Cerdik (padlet.com)

5. Fill in the attendance form -> https://forms.gle/YG4dvvSoWessQcD6A